The internet is in transition,
take your chance now!


Frequently asked questions

What fees will IPBroker charge?

We work fair and transparent. We charge a 2% commission from seller and buyer.
This includes all costs for analysis, communication, assitance and consulting.
We charge no upfront costs before closing a deal.

How fast can a transaction be finished?

We have always IP-Address ranges and interested buyers in our database. Therefore we are able to finish a transaction very fast.
Usually plannings and negotiations consume only a few days until both parties are comfortable with the results.

Why are IP-Address ranges not available as usual?

The supply of distributable IPv4 blocks is already exhausted at IANA (central distribution agency).
New IPv6 addresses are unfortunately not directly compatible with legacy IPv4 addresses.
Deployment of IPv6 is slowly proceeding at end-users (eyeballs). This leads to a global shortage of IPv4-Addresses.

Why should I use IPBroker services?

Our existing contacts to buyers and sellers result in better conditions!
Our experienced analysts are able to certify ownership and genuineness very fast.
Our escrow service protects the transaction. Thereby financial damage can be avoided.